Monday, January 12, 2009

8 Things

I got tagged again, this time from my niece Annamaria
Here we go.........

My 8 favorite TV shows:
1. Locked Up Abroad
2. House Hunters
3. International House Hunters
4. Real Housewives of Orange County/New York/Atlanta - I love them all
5. The Office
6. Platinum Weddings
7. Flipping Out
8. Ellen

My 8 favorite Restaurants:
1. Sego Lily Cafe
2. Mimi's
3. Paradise Bakery
4. Mi Ranchito
5. The Dodo
6. Einstiens
7. Firehouse
8. Old Grist Mill

8 things that happened yesterday:
1. Did laundry
2. Made guacamole
3. Booked a photographer
4. Talked to Pam
5. Helped Karl w/his resume
6. Watched some of the Golden Globes
7. Paid bills online
8. Took a shower

8 things I love about winter:
1. Christmas
2. Egg Nog
3. Time off for the holidays
4. Holiday foods
5. Nothing else....I'm not a winter person

8 things on my wish list:
1. Vacation around the world
2. a cabin somewhere
3. Population control
4. Blackberry Storm
5. Enough money to retire
6. World Peace
7. Healthy & safe family and friends
8. New kitchen (at Karl's)

8 things to look forward to:
1. My Wedding
2. My Honeymoon
3. 4 day weekend this week
4. Getting my new sweater I ordered
5. My tax refund
6. Spring
7. Summer
8. Fall
I want to tag..........Alex