WOW! I don't know how else to describe our trip to the Canadian Rockies, (Banff, Jasper & Yoho). It was absolutely amazing. It was well deserved, long awaited, and a little pricey, but totally worth it. I have so many pictures it’s ridiculous, so I’m only going to put my favorites up and you can see some more on my facebook page by clicking here. None of these photos have been altered at all and they don't really do the scenery justice.

One of my top 2 favorite pictures of the trip. This is Lake O'Hara and it's pretty hard to get to. They limit the number of visitors, so you have to call months in advance and by a ticket to take a bumpy bus ride up to it but it was worth the hassle. I totally lucked out and called 2 days before our trip and got someone's cancellation.

This was our first full day on our trip and it was FREEZING and rainy! We went from 95 degrees in SLC to about 37 degrees and wet at Lake O'Hara.

Ahhh, Lake Louise.

This was my absolute favorite hike. It's called the Plane of Six Glaciers and you hike up behind Lake Louise about 3 1/2 miles to this tea house. At the top you have a view of 6 different glaciers and you can have a cup of tea, but we had chocolate cake and coffee :)

The people that work at the tea house have this cute dog. I love this picture because if you look
very closely toward the right of the picture there is a little chipmunk. The two of them were having a stare off and it was so funny. We finally just left, not sure who won!

Picture with one of the 6 glaciers in the background

The super cute and cozy little cabin we stayed in for part of the trip
(sorry about the cheesiness of this photo)

We saw lots of wildlife, but this monster was probably Karl's favorite. Look at my facebook photos for pics of a mama bear with 3 cubs (freakin' adorable, but crappy pictures), big horn sheep, and a nice deer in velvet

Mini icebergs! (broken off from the glacier above)

My 2nd favorite hike was Mount Edith Cavell. You can see the glacier right above my head. It was making all kinds of
loud cracking noises. We thought for sure we were going to see a huge chunk break off and fall into the lake below, but no such luck.

Karl bought a cowboy hat. He really is a total hick.
So that's a little taste of our vacation. I will hopefully have a video coming soon that I'm putting together. It started off a little rocky, when we got to the airport in Calgary the power was out. It was creepy being in an airport with no lights! We finally got our rental car and started driving to Banff. It sucked because we couldn't see any of the beautiful scenery because it was so foggy. Karl is a different person while on vacation, and I like it! He's laid back and not cheap which is opposite of the norm for him. He just justifies everything he does and the money he spends with "I'm on vacation!" Karl even turned his phone off for the ENTIRE trip. That is huge people!